Did Evelyn have anything to show for after a life in the laundromat? Did I as a homeschool mom?

Evelyn Wang feels like she has achieved nothing.

Evelyn (Michelle Yeoh) is the main character in the award-winning film Everything Everywhere All at Once, which won multiple awards at this year’s Oscars. Yeoh was awarded best actress for her role, while Ke Huy Quan, who plays Evelyn’s husband Waymond, and Jamie Lee Curtis, who plays their tax auditor Deirdre Beaudeirdre in the film, won best supporting actor and actress respectively. The film also scored best picture and best original screenplay, and its writer-directors Daniel Kwan and Daniel Schienert took home the best director award.

The film opens with scenes of Evelyn’s current life, where she experiences the tedium of running a laundromat business. (Spoilers ahead.) As she visits other parallel universes in which she is a successful actress or a skilled teppanyaki chef, she begins to see her current life as the result of a series of bad decisions.

Evelyn soon comes to the devastating realization that she has not accomplished anything significant. Her marriage to Waymond (Ke Huy Quan) is on the rocks. Her relationship with her daughter Joy (Stephanie Hsu) is, well, hardly joyful. Overall, her life seems to be a complete failure.

Where I identify most with Evelyn's identity struggle is in her role as a parent.

My husband and I are from Taiwan. We met and married while studying in Germany. After graduation, I left my career to support my husband's work, moving from country to country and city to city.

When I became a mother, I received a call from God to become a home-schooling mother. I enjoyed living with my husband around the world and savored every moment I spent with my children in homeschool.

I am thankful for God's blessings in my family …

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