Our unique Millennium Window is situated on the south wall of the tower. It incorporates a sound and lighting sequence and therefore has to be experienced not just viewed.

History of Our Millennium Window

To celebrate and mark the new millennium our Parochial Church Council (PCC) decided to undertake several projects. One of these was the introduction of an upper room in the Vestry, but this meant that there had to be a way of screening the interior glass window between the vestry and the tower.

Our Vicar, Revd Geoff Davis and architect and church member, Keith Blundell thought that a Stained Glass window would be an ideal screen and approached parishioner and internationally known artist, Graham Clarke, to see if he would be willing to prepare a design.

After researching stained glass production and studios, Graham then presented the PCC with a design and quote for the production and installation of the window, including specialist lighting and musical accompaniment. After seeing his draft designs, the PCC had no hesitation in commissioning Graham to produce the window.

As well as designing, Graham spent several days at the studios of Goddard and Gibbs (who are one of Europe’s leading stained glass workshops) selecting and working on the cartoon and selecting pieces of glass.

The window was installed in October 1999 and kept hidden while the sound and lighting aspects were developed ready for the unveiling on the first Sunday in the year 2000. It was unveiled jointly by octogenarian Capt David Roome, long time church and PCC member and Churchwarden and Mikey (the Vicar’s granddaughter).

The PCC paid a total of £18,700 for this project which included the installation of the window and digital music and lighting sequence. Graham Clarke generously gave freely the benefits of his gifts of design and practical work on the window.

Those who worked on the window


Graham Clarke

Stained Glass Production

Goddard & Gibbs


Cerebrum Lighting


Roger Dey of Canterbury


‘Dawn’ by Kitaro


Keith Blundell

prepared drawings etc required for the Faculty application


What the Window Represents

The focus of the window is the wonder of God’s creation and of His faithfulness. The hand at the top signifies God’s hand as He created the world and all that is in it. The stars and sky are at the top, earth in the middle and water at the bottom. Endangered species are represented to remind us of our responsibility for God’s world.

Around the outside border of the window you will see dots – one for each decade of the past two millennia. Some have been replaced by a symbol, representing a few of the significant people and events in the Christian Calendar over the past 2000 years. Details of what the ‘special’ decade symbols represent are listed below.

Follow the ‘story’ from Bethlehem in the bottom left of the window, right around to Boughton Monchelsea and remember that still the journey goes on, for Jesus was and is the Light of the World.

Music – ‘Dawn’ performed by Kitaro who was the son of a Japanese peasant farmer who now lives in USA. Graham Clarke is a frequent visitor and guest in Japan where his work is much appreciated.

Border : Who/What the Dots Signify





























Ignatius of Antioch (taken under guard)

St Alban (first British Martyr)

St George (England)

St Patrick (Ireland)

St David (Wales)

St Augustine (first Archbishop of Canterbury)

Venerable Bede (Biblical scholar)

St Andrew (Scotland)

Edward the Confessor (King of England 1042 until his death in 1066)

Anselm (theologian)

Thomas Becket (Archbishop of Canterbury – in 1170 he was murdered in the Cathedral)

Francis of Assisi (Founder of the Franciscan Order)

Clare of Assisi (founded a similar society for women)

John Wycliffe (philosopher, theologian, reformer)

Martin Luther (founder of the German Reformation)

William Tyndale (translator of the Bible)

Thomas Cramer (Archbishop of Canterbury)

John Bunyan (author of Pilgrim’s Progress)

John and Charles Wesley (itinerant preachers, founders of Methodist movement)

 William Wilberforce (abolition of slavery)

William Booth (founder of Salvation Army)

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (German Lutheran pastor)

Martin Luther King (civil rights leader)

Mother Theresa (founder: Sisters of Mercy)

As the music starts and the lights shine watch for

Hand of God – top Centre

God said ‘Let There Be Light’ (Genesis Chapter 1)

The heavens – top windows

As the music changes, you hear the sound of wind (God’s breath of creation – Genesis Chapter 1), and as you look down the window you’ll see representations of sunlight, birds, the sea, animals, the nativity (bottom left). There’s more sound of the wind, representing God’s Holy Spirit. The lights fade to give a night-time effect and as the wind continues, the lights come on again – another day dawns.

Glass in the Millennium Window

Graham Clarke knew the overall effect he wished to produce and together with te experts at the Goddard and Gibbs studio, managed to find particular pieces for specific sections of the window. Some of the pieces in their stock/library of glass are antique, rare and will never be repeated.

Special pieces in this window to look out for:- tail of the comet (R6); the stripey tiger(R4); chaos of creation (L2) – dark swirly glass; moon (R1) – seedy glass which looks as if it has craters.

Other pieces had to be painted, fired and acid-etched by Graham to produce the required result eg the shoal of fish (L4 nd R4) and the goldfinch (R5)

The dark blue glass used for both Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther King (right hand border, decades 195 and 197) were given to Graham when he visited a glass works in Germany.



@ 2017 Church Theme | Made with love