Prayer – small groups of church members meet regularly for prayer. If you have anything that you would like us to pray for, please let us know by emailing so that your prayer request can be included
All those in need of God’s healing power in their lives.
Nigel White – Please pray for Nigel, who will be going into King’s College Hospital on Tuesday, and having
a 4-5 hour procedure on Wednesday.
Lizzy Cross – Please pray for Lizzy as she is going through treatment for a blood clot on her lung.
Dawn Pemberthy – Dawn’s son John is very ill with secondary lung cancer, and his wife Penny has now
gone into hospital with a stroke. She has lost her speech and is paralysed down one side. Please pray for
the whole family.
Rose Parrish – Rose is undergoing tests at the hospital on Sunday, so please pray that all will go well and
the results will be good.
Geoff Martin – Geoff is feeling very unwell at the moment. He has had a lump removed from his head
which has been diagnosed as skin cancer, and he has quite a few appointments lined up.